CARE Suffolk have so far created and distributed three leaflets to residents in the area regarding the proposed solar PV developments.
The Leaflets
Our first leaflet, which summarised both the Enso Energy and EDF Renewables projects, based on the details as we knew at the time, into a simple A4 leaflet.
Find it here >>

Once the full planning applications had been submitted and the documentation was available to the public, we sought to produce a leaflet for each application based on the updated information available in the application documents at the time.
Enso Energy Information Leaflet here >> Enso Energy Information Leaflet
EDF Renewables Information Leaflet here >> EDF Renewables Information Leaflet
Statkraft Information Leaflet >> Statkraft Information Leaflet
Tips & How we created our leaflets
- If you want to distribute leaflets you need to be aware that the period of public consultation is not very long. We recommend getting a draft ready before the application goes in. That way amendments can be made and the document sent to the printers very quickly.
- All of our leaflets were created using a free Microsoft Office template. Other free sources for templates include Canva and Creative Market.
- Maps were created using Google Maps and Adobe Photoshop. This is available on a monthly subscription with Adobe, starting from just under £10 (at the time of writing). If you don’t have Photoshop other options include Canva, asking within your community if anyone has it, or outsourcing to a graphic artist on Fiverr for a small fee.
- The first leaflet was a folded A4 leaflet. This was difficult to post through letterboxes. So we switched to a DL tri-fold design which was less flimsy for posting.
- On the back of the leaflet ensure residents are given information on how to submit their objections to the Local Council (or Secretary of State if you are in the NSIP process), as well as a way of finding out more.
- Include the DEADLINE for objections. Please note that it does not matter if the deadline is extended. That is a bonus!
- If you do not have any local printers, other recommended printers previously used by members include Vistaprint and Where The Trade Buys (the latter requires a more professional artwork format).
- You are more than welcome to copy the format of our leaflets for your own. However, please ensure the details are amended to be relevant to the application in your area.
- When it comes to distributing the leaflets seek the help of other residents and give people set areas to deliver. This enables leaflets to be delivered quickly and efficiently.