What does B2T mean? B2T is the community nickname for the Bramford to Twinstead overhead pylon line proposed by National Grid.
Following on from the non-statutory public consultation that was held early 2021, the statutory public consultation was opened early 2022, with a deadline for public feedback on 21st March 2022.
Information is still limited, but there was a great deal more than the non-statutory consultation.
It is likely that this is the last public consultation before National Grid submit their request for a DCO late 2022.
CARE Suffolk continues to understand and accept the need for the new connection, but still have some concerns. You can see the feedback letter we have submitted to National Grid below for the Statutory Consultation.
The deadline for feedback to the Statutory Consultation is Monday 21st March 2022 >> https://www.nationalgrid.com/electricity-transmission/network-and-infrastructure/bramford-twinstead/feedback