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How to Object to the Enso Energy Appeal

When Mid Suffolk District Councillors voted in a substantial majority (6-1) to refuse planning permission for application DC/20/05895 by Enso Energy for their solar PV site they were not happy. To state the obvious.

So what they’ve now done is started what is called the Appeal process with the Planning Inspectorate. Basically, they are complaining that their application was refused and asking someone else to approve it. A bit like when one parent says no so the kid tries to ask the other.

So now the Council have extra expense to defend their decision. But we can still have our say directly to the Inspector. And it is important that we do so!

Everyone who submitted an objection during the application phase now has the opportunity to say they still object, but time is short. The Council accepted late objections. The Planning Inspectorate does not. Objections must be received by 19th June 2023.

But how to object?

We’ve put together a short template at the end of this to help you submit your objection to the Planning Inspectorate. Amend or delete the sections underlined as you see fit – though please do try to include a few lines about what you love about the area in particular. This is an often overlooked part of objections but it is no less important.

Once you have written your objection you need to submit it via the Planning Inspectorate website:

Under the Search for a Case section type 3319970.

On the next page click on the greeny blue Make Representation button.

Click through and enter your details. You must click the Interested Party / Person option.

Follow the options through to submit your objection. You can either enter your comments into a box, or upload a document.

Please note that the Inspector does not send an acknowledgement of receipt.

The deadline for submissions is 19th June 2023.


Dear Mr Cullum Parker,

Planning Appeal Ref: APP/W3520/W/23/3319970
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Appeal by: Bramford Green Limited
Site Address: Land to the south of Church Farm, Somersham, IP8 4PN, and land to the east of The Channel, Burstall, IP8 4JL in Suffolk, Burstall Hill

I live close to the above appeal site and wrote to the Council to set out my objections at the time of the public consultation (dated xyz if you know it).

I agree with the Councils decision to refuse planning permission, and I support their reasons to refuse on the grounds of:

  • loss of BMV land for optimum agricultural use
  • harm to landscape character and visual amenity in a valued landscape and designated Special Landscape Area for public right of way users, the community, and tourists

Briefly tell the Inspector why you enjoy this area of the countryside.

The application was not refused on other grounds, which remain an objection of mine, and I ask that the Inspector consider the following as additional reasons for refusal:

  • List your other reasons for objection if you had them.

I ask the Inspector to dismiss the appeal.

Yours Sincerely,
Full Name
Full Address

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